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- Weitere ISBNs mit 9789201233 - ? (3 gute von 23)…
- Weitere ISBNs mit 9789201111 - ? (3 gute von 20)…
- Eckhart Tolle, Miguel Iribarren Berrade: El poder del ahora : una guía para la iluminación espiritual (Perenne), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789200019296, hat das Duplikat 9788484453741
- Symposium on Health Imports of Different Sources of Ener, International: Impacts Energy: Proceedings an Impacts Energy (Proceedings Series Atomic Energy Agency).), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789200101823
- Samuel Cole, Sous la direction de: Leo R. Lewis: Melodia: A Course In Sight-Singing - Solfeggio -Complete, Books I-IV [Paperba., EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789200129384
- Andres Segovia: Diatonic Major and Minor Scales, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789200129995, hat das Duplikat 9781598060591
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Neutron Irradiation of Seeds II: Technical Report Series No. 92 Second Report of an FAO/IAEA Meeting on Co-Ordination of Research, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789200150685
- Varies: DIA Center for the Arts Exhibit Brochures, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789200162008
- Sjef Brok: De opmars van de geit, - Geit zorgt voor nieuwe culinaire uitdagingen, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789200260049
- Princewill Lagang: The Mindful Entrepreneur, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789200386176
- Not, Available: Nuclear heat application : proceedings of a Technical Committee Meeting and Workshop on Nuclear Heat Application / organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and held in Cracow, 5 - 9 December 1983 / Panel proceedings series / International Atomi, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789200510847
- Jackie Bee Owen: Baby - Tiere Malbuch für Kinder, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789200835360, hat das Duplikat 9782049607433
- Developing Your Healing Conscience - Audiobook, by Joseph Murphy, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789200852190
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Radiation Protection in the Design of Radiotherapy Facilities (Safety Reports Series), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201005052
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Commissioning of radiotherapy treatment planning systems: testing for typical external beam treatment techniques, report of the coordinated research . in radiotherapy (IAEA-TECDOC series), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201005083
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Evaluation of Neutron Cross-Section Standards, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201008077
- Bearbeitung: International Atomic Energy Agency: Restarting Delayed Nuclear Power Plant Projects: IAEA Nuclear Series No. NP-T-3.4, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201013088
- Etde/Inis Joint Thesaurus, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201022073
- Technical Approaches for the Management of Separated Civiliian Plutonium: IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. Nf-T-4.11, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201022219
- The Operating Organization and the Recruitment Training and Qualification of Personnel for Research Reactors: IAEA Safety Standards Series No. Ssg-84, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201024237
- Artista: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA: Security of Radioactive Sources: IAEA Nuclear Security Series No. 11, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201026095
- Implementation of a Remote and Automated Quality Control Programme for Radiography and Mammography Equipment: IAEA Human Health Series No. 39, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201026217
- INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOW DOSES OF: Ionizing Radiation: Biological Effects and Regulatory Control : Invited Papers and Discussions: Biological Effects and Regulatory Control . Proceedings (IAEA Proceedings Series), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201026989
- Nuclear Power Reactors in the World International Atomic Energy Agency Editor, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201027191
- IAEA: Implementation of a Remote and Automated Quality Control Programme for Radiography and Mammography Equipment, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201028211
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Options for Management of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste for Countries Developing New Nuclear Power Programmes: IAEA Nuclear Ene, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201031181
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Instrumentation and Control Systems and Software Important to Safety for Research Reactors: Safety Standards Series No. Ssg-37 (Rev. 1), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201033239
- Künstler: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA: Management System for Nuclear Installations (The): Safety Standards Series No. GS-G-3.5 Safety Standards Series), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201034090
- Künstler: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA: Planning and Execution of Knowledge Management Assist Missions for Nuclear Organizations: IAEA Tecdoc Series No. 1586, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201039088
- Nuclear Medicine Resources Manual International Atomic Energy Agency Editor, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201040190
- Design Basis Reconstitution for Long Term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants: IAEA Tecdoc No. 2018, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201040237
- International Symposium on Desalination of Seawater With Nuclear Energ: Sea Water: Proceedings an Atomic Energy Agency Proceedings Series), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201040978
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants, Research Reactors and Other Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities: IAEA Safety Standards Series N, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201041180, hat die Duplikate 9789201039170 und 9789201031167
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Passive Shutdown Systems for Fast Neutron Reactors Author, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201042194
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Ageing Management and Development of a Programme for Long Term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants: IAEA Safety Standards Series No. Ssg-48, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201043184
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Review of Fuel Failures in Water Cooled Reactors (2006-2015): IAEA Nuclear Series No. Nf-T-2.5, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201043191, hat das Duplikat 9789201038098
- IAEA: Managing Nuclear Safety Knowledge: National Approaches and Experience, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201044211
- Management of Nuclear Power Plant Projects: IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NG-T-1.6 International Atomic Energy Agency Editor, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201047199
- IAEA: Computer Security Aspects of Design for Instrumentation and Control Systems at Nuclear Power Plants, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201049223
- IAEA: Nuclear Medicine Resources Manual 2020 Edition, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201050229
- IAEA: Radiation Safety in the Use of Nuclear Gauges : Specific Safety Guide, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201051226
- IAEA: Planning Enhanced Nuclear Energy Sustainability: Analysis Support for Enhanced Nuclear Energy Sustainability (ASENES) : An INPRO Service to Member States, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201053213
- IAEA: The Gate to Africa Exercise Programme: Morocco-Spain Joint Tabletop and Field Exercises on Maritime Security of Radioactive Material in Transport, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201053220
- IAEA: Management of Nuclear Power Plant Projects, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201055224
- Joint Thesaurus Part I (A-L) and Part II (M-Z), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201056047
- IAEA: Establishing the Safety Infrastructure for a Nuclear Power Programme : Specific Safety Guide, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201058225
- Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel International Atomic Energy Agency Editor, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201061195
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA: Thermophysical Properties of Materials for Nuclear Engineering: A Tutorial and Collection of Data, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201065087
- The Gate to Africa Exercise Programme: Morocco-Spain Joint Tabletop and Field Exercises on Maritime Security of Radioactive Material in Transport Inte, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201065193
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Optimization of Safety Measures for Protection of Nuclear Installations Against External Hazards, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201065247
- Intérprete: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA: Radiation Protection in Newer Medical Imaging Techniques: Pet/CT: Safety Reports Series No. 58, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201068088
- IAEA: Radiation Safety of X Ray Generators and Other Radiation Sources Used for Inspection Purposes and for Non-medical Human Imaging : Specific Safety Guide, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201068224
- Sous la direction de: International Atomic Energy Agency: Elements of Power Plant Design for Inertial Fusion Final Report of a Coordinated Research Project 2000-2004 (IAEA Tecdoc Series), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201070050
- Künstler: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA: Nuclear Research and Development Institutes in Central and Eastern Europe, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201070098
- IAEA: Adapting the Energy Sector to Climate Change, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201070227
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Electricity and Nuclear Power: Developments and Projections - 25 Years Past and Future, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201074072
- Intérprete: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA: Radiation Treatment of Polluted Water and Wastewater: IAEA Tecdoc Series No. 1598, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201074089
- IAEA: Initiating Nuclear Power Programmes: Responsibilities and Capabilities of Owners and Operators, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201075222
- International Atomic Energy Agency: The Radiological Accident in Cochabamba, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201076045, hat die Duplikate 9789201018175 und 9789201015006
- Iaea: Innovative Waste Treatment and Conditioning Technologies at Nuclear Power Plants, TECDOC Series. 1504, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201077066
- Relative Biological Effectiveness in Ion Beam Therapy: Technical Report Series #461, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201078070
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Nuclear Power Plant Outage Optimization Strategy, 2016 Edition, Tecdoc No 1806, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201078162
- IAEA: Design and Conduct of Indoor Radon Surveys, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201078223
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Regulatory Oversight of Ageing Management and Long Term Operation Programme of Nuclear Power Plants: Safety Reports Series No. 109, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201081223
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Status And Trends In Spent Fuel And Radioactive Waste Management: Iaea Nuclear Series No. Nw-t-1.14, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201084170
- IAEA: Developing Roadmaps to Enhance Nuclear Energy Sustainability: Final Report of the INPRO Collaborative Project ROADMAPS, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201084217
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Design Of Fuel Handling And Storage Systems For Nuclear Power Plants: Iaea Safety Standards Series No. Ssg-63, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201085191
- Data Analysis and Collection for Costing of Research Reactor Decommissioning: Final Report of the Daccord Collaborative Project: IAEA Nuclear Energy S, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201086211
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Status and Trends in Spent Fuel Reprocessing (IAEA Tecdoc Series), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201088055
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Descriptive Uranium Deposit and Mineral System Models, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201092205
- Künstler: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA: Best Practices in the Organization, Management and Conduct of an Effective Investigation of Events at Nuclear Power Plants: IAEA Tecdoc Series No. 160, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201093080
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Safety Of Nuclear Power Plants: Commissioning And Operation: Iaea Safety Standards Series No. Ssr-2/2 (rev. 1), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201094155, hat das Duplikat 9789201033178
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA: Homogeneous Aqueous Solution Nuclear Reactors for the Production of Mo-99 and Other Short Lived Radioistotopes: IAEA Tecdoc Series No. 1601, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201097088
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Combating illicit trafficking in nuclear and other radioactive material: reference manual (IAEA nuclear security series), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201098078
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Managing Low Radioactivity Material from the Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities (IAEA Technical Reports Series), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201099075
- International Atomic Energy Agency, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Model Business Plan for a Sterile Insect Production Facility, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201100078
- Technology Roadmap for Small Modular Reactor Deployment: IAEA Nuclear Energy Series Nr-T-1.18, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201100214
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Dispersion of Radioactive Material in Air and Water and Consideration of Population Distribution in Site Evaluation for Nuclear Po, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201101020
- International Atomic Energy Agency (Other Contributor): Competency assessments for nuclear industry personnel. (CD-ROM included), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201101051
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Plasma Physics and Technology Aspects of the Deuterium-Tritium Fuel Cycle for Fusion, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201101242
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Instrumentation and Control Systems Important to Safety in Nuclear Power Plants: Safety Guide, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201108029
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Looking Back to Go Forward Proceedings of an Conference Held in Vienna, 6-7 September 2005: Proceeding Series: Looking Back . and Held in Vienna, 6-7 September 2005, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201108074
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Light Water Reactor Fuel Enrichment Beyond the Five Per Cent Limit: Perspectives and Challenges, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201109200
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Safety Aspects of Nuclear Power Plants in Human Induced External Events: Margin Assessment (Paperback), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201114150, hat die Duplikate 9789201011176, 9789201019004 und 9789201009005
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA: Best Practices in Identifying, Reporting and Screening Operating Experience at Nuclear Power Plants Tecdoc Series), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201115072
- IAEA: Costing Methods and Funding Schemes for Radioactive Waste Disposal Programmes, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201118202
- IAEA: Specific Considerations in the Assessment of the Status of the National Nuclear Infrastructure for a New Research Reactor Programme, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201127204, hat das Duplikat 9789201125200
- Intérprete: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA: Development of Knowledge Portals for Nuclear Power Plants: IAEA Nuclear Series No. Ng-T-6.2, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201130082, hat das Duplikat 9789201061096
- Musik: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA: Nuclear Medicine in Thyroid Cancer Management: A Practical Approach: IAEA Tecdoc Series No. 1608, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201131089
- Intl Atomic Energy Agency: Non-Linear Response to a Type of Seismic Input Motion: IAEA Tecdoc Series No. 1655, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201131102
- Systematic Approach to Training for Nuclear Facility Personnel: Processes, Methodology and Practices International Atomic Energy Agency Editor, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201133205
- IAEA: Systematic Approach to Training for Nuclear Facility Personnel: Processes, Methodology and Practices, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201135209
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Management of Waste from the Use of Radioactive Material in Medicine, Industry, Agriculture, Research and Education: Safety Guide: Safety Standards Series. Ws-g-2.7 (Iaea Safety Related Publications), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201137043
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Analysis of Options and Experimental Examination of Fuels for Water Cooled Reactors with Increased Accident Tolerance (ACTOF) Ene, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201141200
- Ageing Management for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities: IAEA Safety Reports Series No. 118, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201145239
- Detection of Harmful Algal Toxins Using the Radioligand Receptor Binding Assay: A Manual of Methods: IAEA Tecdoc Series No. 1729, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201148131
- International Expert Group on Nuclear Liability (Inlex), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201149244
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Radiotherapy In Cancer Care: Facing The Global Challenge, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201150134
- IAEA: Climate Change and Nuclear Power 2020, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201152206
- IAEA: Design of Fuel Handling and Storage Systems for Nuclear Power Plants : Specific Safety Guide, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201155207
- Industrial Applications of Sealed Radioactive Sources: IAEA Tecdoc No. 1925 International Atomic Energy Agency Editor, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201170200
- Seismic Design for Nuclear Installations: IAEA Safety Standards Series No. Ssg-67, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201174215
- Iaea: Licensing Process for the Construction Commissioning and Operation of Nuclear Power Plants, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201177230
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Use of Periodic Safety Review for Long Term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201178237
- Iaea: Use of Periodic Safety Review for Long Term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201180230
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Detection at State Borders of Nuclear and Other Radioactive Material Out of Regulatory Control, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201186218
- PET-CT for the Management of Cancer Patients: a Review of the Existing Evidence IAEA Human Health Series No. 45, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201186225
- IAEA: Production, Quality Control and Clinical Applications of Radiosynovectomy Agents, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201187208
- Iaea: Detection at State Borders of Nuclear and Other Radioactive Material out of Regulatory Control, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201188212
- Research Reactor Exercises for Higher Education Programmes: IAEA Tecdoc Series No. 2024, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201191236
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Multi-Unit Probabilistic Safety Assessment, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201192226
- IAEA: Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel : Specific Safety Guide, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201194206
- Research Reactor Spent Fuel Management: Options and Support to Decision Making: IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No Nf-T-3.9, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201200211
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Climate Change and the Role of Nuclear Power: Proceedings of an Conference Held in Vienna, Austria, 7-11 October 2019, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201201201
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Safe Use of Smart Devices in Systems Important to Safety in Nuclear Power Plants: Safety Reports Series No. 111, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201201225
- IAEA: Impact of Fuel Density on Performance and Economy of Research Reactors, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201205209
- Iaea: Member States' Experiences and Insights from Maintaining Safety Security and Reliable Nuclear Industry Operations During the Covid-19 Pandemic, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201210234
- IAEA: Human Factors Engineering Aspects of Instrumentation and Control System Design, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201217202
- Application of the Principle of Defence in Depth in Nuclear Safety to Small Modular Reactors, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201217240
- IAEA: Safeguards Glossary, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201223227
- Computer Security Techniques for Nuclear Facilities: IAEA Nuclear Security Series No. 17-T (Rev. 1), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201235206
- Iaea: Operational Limits and Conditions and Operating Procedures for Nuclear Power Plants, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201241221
- Managing Human Resources in the Field of Nuclear Energy by International Atomic Energy Agency Paperback | Indigo Chapters, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201261212
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Notification Authorization Inspection and Enforcement for the Safety and Security of Radiation Sources: Technical Reports Series No. 1002, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201266224
- The Environmental Behaviour of Uranium: Technical Report Series No. 488, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201267221
- Quanum 3.0: An Updated Tool for Nuclear Medicine Audits, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201271204
- Economic Commission for Europe: QUANUM 3.0, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201273208
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Applicability of IAEA Safety Standards to Non-Water Cooled Reactors and Small Modular Reactors, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201273239
- Iaea: Applicability of Safety Standards to Non-Water Cooled Reactors and Small Modular Reactors, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201275233
- Iaea: Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency Involving the Transport of Radioactive Material, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201277213
- Fatigue Assessment in Light Water Reactors for Long Term Operation Good Practices and Lessons Learned, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201282224
- Level 1 Probabilistic Safety Assessment Practices for Nuclear Power Plants with Candu-Type Reactors, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201286215
- Structural Materials for Heavy Liquid Metal Cooled Fast Reactors, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201288219
- Atlas of Non-Fdg Pet-CT in Diagnostic Oncology, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201289209
- Economic Commission for Europe: Atlas of Non-FDG PET–CT in Diagnostic Oncology, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201291202
- Gael Lindfield: Summary of anger management book, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201295712
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Imaging of Ischemic Heart Disease in Women: A Critical Review of the Literature: IAEA Human Health Series No. 40, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201297228
- Iaea: Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research 1990, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201300911
- Iaea: Basics of Quality Management for Nuclear Medicine Practices, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201302229
- Iaea: Evaluation of Seismic Safety for Nuclear Installations, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201302236
- Editor: B.J.B. Wood: The Lactic Acid Bacteria:Volume 1: The Lactic Acid Bacteria in Health and Disease (Lactic Acid Bacteria Series), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201302755, hat die Duplikate 9781851667208, 9781461535225 und 9780751403084
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Handbook of Basic Quality Control Tests for Diagnostic Radiology: IAEA Human Health Series No. 47, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201303226
- Iaea: Design Extension Conditions and the Concept of Practical Elimination in the Design of Nuclear Power Plants, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201305237
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Status Of Fast Reactor Research And Technology Development: Iaea Tecdoc Series No. 1691, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201306104
- Iaea: Status and Trends in Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste Management, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201307217
- National Nuclear Security Threat Assessment Design Basis Threats and Representative Threat Statements: IAEA Nuclear Security Series No. 10-G (Rev. 1), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201310200
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Radiation Safety in the Use of Radiation Sources in Research and Education, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201315236
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Methodology for a Safety Case of a Dual Purpose Cask for Storage and Transport of Spent Fuel: IAEA Tecdoc No. 1938, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201316202
- Iaea: Radiation Safety in the Use of Radiation Sources in Research and Education, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201317230
- Iaea: Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Neutron Activation Analysis: A Guide to Practical Approaches, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201321213
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Neutron Activation Analysis: A Guide to Practical Approaches: Technical Reports Series No. 487, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201324214
- Current Approaches to the Analysis of Design Extension Conditions with Core Melting for New Nuclear Power Plants, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201339218
- Iaea: Attribution of Radiation Health Effects and Inference of Radiation Risks: Considerations for Application of the Safety Standards, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201344236
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Attribution of Radiation Health Effects and Inference of Radiation Risks, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201345233
- Hugo Portisch: La China que he visto, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201347992, hat das Duplikat 9788401460821
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Guidebook on Spent Fuel Storage Options and Systems, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201355232
- The Potential Role of Nuclear Energy in National Climate Change Mitigation Strategies, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201356215
- Iaea: Guidebook on Spent Fuel Storage Options and Systems, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201357236
- Design of Nuclear Installations Against External Events Excluding Earthquakes: IAEA Safety Standards Series No. Ssg-68, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201360212
- Iaea: Remediation Strategy and Process for Areas Affected by Past Activities or Events, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201366214
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Vendor and User Requirements and Responsibilities in Nuclear Cogeneration Projects: Nuclear Series No. Nr-T-2.17, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201369239
- Equipment Qualification for Nuclear Installations, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201370211
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Management of Ageing and Obsolescence of Instrumentation and Control Systems and Equipment in Nuclear Power Plants and Related Facilities Through Mode, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201375223
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Evaluation Of High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor Performance: Benchmark Analysis Related To The Pbmr-400, Pbmm, Gt-mhr, Htr-10 A, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201376107
- Iaea: Management of Ageing and Obsolescence of Instrumentation and Control Systems and Equipment in Nuclear Power Plants and Related Facilities Through Modernization, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201377227
- Radiation Protection of Wildlife: Modelling the Exposure and Effects, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201381217
- Intercomparison of K0-Naa Software Packages: IAEA Tecdoc Series No. 2026, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201392237
- Approach and Methodology Fo the Development of Regulatory Safety Requirements for the Design of Advanced Nuclear Power Reactors: IAEA Tecdoc No. 2010, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201399229
- International Atomic Energy Agency: Conduct of Operations at Nuclear Power Plants: IAEA Safety Standards Series No. Ssg-76, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201402226, hat die Duplikate 9789201038197, 9789201064196, 9789201364227 und 9789201030238
- Overcoming Barriers in the Implementation of Environmental Remediation Projects: IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. Nw-T-3.4, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201408105
- Iaea: Format and Content of the Package Design Safety Report for the Transport of Radioactive Material, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201423214
- Herausgeber: International Atomic Energy Agency: Use of a Graded Approach in the Application of the Safety Requirements for Research Reactors: IAEA Safety Standards Series No. Ssg-22 (Rev. 1), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201428226
- Use of a Graded Approach in the Application of the Safety Requirements for Research Reactors, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201430229, hat das Duplikat 9789201273109
- Methodologies for Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis in the Design and Assessment of Nuclear Installations, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201431219
- Economic Evaluation of Alternative Nuclear Energy Systems: IAEA Tecdoc No. 2014, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201436221
- Comparative Evaluation of Nuclear Energy System Options: IAEA Tecdoc Series No. 2027, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201438232
- A Systems View of Nuclear Security and Nuclear Safety: Identifying Interfaces and Building Synergies, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201444226
- Assessment of Defence in Depth for Nuclear Power Plants, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201449238, hat das Duplikat 9789201140043
- unbekannt -: Gebr. Modular Design of Processing and Storage Facilities for Small Volumes of Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Including Disused Sealed, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201451101
- Agency, International Atomic Energy: Remote Sensing in Uranium Exploration: Basic Guidance (Technical Report Series), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201451811
- unbekannt -: Gebr. Options to Enhance Proliferation Resistance of Innovative Small and Medium Sized Reactors: IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NP-T-1.11, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201455109
- Safety of Uranium and Plutonium Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facilities: IAEA Safety Standards Series No. Ssg-7 (Rev. 1), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789201455222
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