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- Nicolas, Suzanne, et al. (editor): Bibliography on Women Workers: Eighteen Sixty One to Nineteen Sixty-Five, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789220009369
- Angelini, John; Hirose, Kenichi: Extension of Social Security Coverage for the Informal Economy in Indonesia, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789220168622
- International Labour Office: Ethical Considerations When Conducting Research on Children in the Worst Forms of Child in Nepal, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789220177150
- International Labour Organisation (ILO): Yearbook of Labor Statistics: 68th Edition 2009 (2 Volume Set), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789220222409
- Herausgeber: International Labor Office: Occupational Wages and Hours of Work and Retail Food Prices/ Salaires Et Duree Du Travail Par Profession Et Prix De Detail De Produits Alimentaires/ Salarios y Horas De Trabajo Por Ocupacion y Precios Al Por Menor De Articulos Alimenticios: Statistics fro, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789220222423
- Bram Stoker: Dracula - Dracula, Irish edition, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789220605905, hat das Duplikat 9788698163856
- Stephen Dalton (bijschriften): Het levende bos, - n.v.t., EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221001539
- Mark Blaug: Education And The Employment Problem In Developing Countries, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221010050
- International Labour Office, Ilo: Conciliation In Industrial Disputes. A Practical Guide, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221010074
- Ilo: Asbestos: Health Risks And Their Prevention (occupational Safety And Health Series 30), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221012290
- International Labour Office, Ilo: Protection Of Workers Against Noise And Vibration In The Working Environment. Code Of Practice, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221017097
- D P Ghai, A R Khan, E L H Lee and Al, Contributor: International Labour Office: The Basic-Needs Approach to Development. Some Issues Regarding Conceptds Methodology: Some Issues Regarding Concepts Methodology, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221018018
- Hiemenz, U.; Schatz, K. W.: Trade in Place of Migration. An employment-oriented study with special reference to the Federal Republic of Germany, Spain and Turkey, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221018650
- ILO, Künstler: International Labour Office: Building work. A compendium of occupational safety and health (OSH 42): Compendium of Occupational Safety and Health Practice (Occupational Safety and Health Series), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221019077
- International Labour Office: New Forms of Work Organization: Denmark, Norway and Sweden, France, Federal Republic of Germany, United Kingdom, United States v. 1, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221019916
- Veen, J. J. De: The Rural Access Roads Programme: Appropriate Technology in Kenya, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221022046
- John I. Reynolds: Case Method In Management Development. Guide For Effective Use (management Development Series No. 17, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221023630
- Tore Nyman, Torre Nyman: A Guide To The Teaching Of Collective Bargaining, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221028673
- International Labor Office: Wages: A Worker's Education Manual, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221029618, hat das Duplikat 9789221018612
- Goldschmidt-Clermont, Luisella: Unpaid Work In The Household. A Review Of Economic Methods (women, Work And Development 1), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221030850
- Deere, Carmen Diana, Leon De Lead, Magdalena: Women in Andean Agriculture: Peasant Production and Rural Wage Employment in Colombia and Peru (Women, Work, and Development, 4), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221031062
- De Grazia, Raffaele: Clandestine Employment: The Situation in the Industrialized Market Economy Countries: The Situation in the Industrialised Market Economy Countries (Ilo326), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221033554
- Ilo: Accident Prevention. A Workers' Education Manual (wem), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221033929
- International Labour Office: Apartheid in South Africa (Ilo328), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221034353
- international-labour-office: Apartheid and Labour : a Critical Review of the Effects of Apartheid on Labour Matters in South Africa, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221035282
- Manufactured by International Labour Office: Improved village technology for women's activities. A manual for West Africa (Wep Study), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221038184
- ILO, Créateur: United Nations Institute for Training and Research: Women, Work Demographic Issues: Seminar Report (Paperback), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221038863
- International Labour Office: How to Read a Balance Sheet: An ILO Programmed Book, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221038986
- Sous la direction de: Jacques Monat, Sous la direction de: Hedva Sarfati: Worker's Participation: A Voice in Decisions, 1981-1985: A Voice in Decisions, 1981-85, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221052326
- Stoddart, Linda: Conditions of work and quality of working life : a directory of institutions / Internat. Labour Office. Ed. by, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221053286
- ILO; Other Contributor-International Labour Office: Solar Drying: Practical Methods of Food Preservation (Paperback), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221053576
- Gladstone, Alan: The Manager's Guide to International Labour Standards (Management Development Series No. 23), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221054122
- Brocas, Anne-Marie: Women and Social Security Progress Towards Equality of Treatment, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221055594
- International Labour Office, World Employment Programme: Small-Scale Manufacture of Stabilised Soil Blocks (Technology Series. Technical Memorandum No. 12), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221058380
- .. Ilo: Alcohol And Drugs. Programmes Of Assistance For Workers (conditions Of Work Digest 1/87), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221059622
- United Nations Centre ond Transnational Corporations and the International Labour Organisation (Hg): Economic Social Effects of Multinational Enterprises in Export Processing Zones (Paperback), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221061946
- Ilo: Wood Harvesting With Hand Tools: An Illustrated Training Manual, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221062172
- Ilo: Maximum Weights In Load Lifting And Carrying (occupational Safety And Health Series No. 59), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221062714
- .. Ilo: Labour Inspection And Its Role In Improving Safety And Health, With Particular Reference To The Chem, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221062974
- International Labour Office: Working with Visual Display Units, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221065098
- Joanne Brown: Canteens And Food Services In Industry: A Manual, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221066378
- International Labour Office, Ilo: Teachers And Standards. A Handbook, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221070993
- Ilo: Safety And Health In Construction. An Code Of Practice, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221071044
- George Kanawaty, C.R.Wynne- Roberts: Introduction to Work Study Editor, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221071082
- International Program on Chemical Safety: & Health in the Use of Agrochemicals: A Guide, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221072812
- n/a: OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS F: Values of Selected Countries Prepared from the I.L.O.-C.I.S. Data Base of Exposure Limits (Occupational Safety & Health), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221072935
- .. Ilo: The Hours We Work: New Work Schedules In Policy And Practice (conditions Of Work Digest 2/90), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221077381
- Standing, Guy: In Search of Flexibility: The New Soviet Labour Market, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221077442
- ILO, Künstler: Assefa: Child Labour: Law Practice (Conditions of Work Digest 1/91): Law and Practice, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221077510
- John Cameron, Mohammad Irfan: Enabling People To Help Themselves (ilo-artep), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221080428
- Ilo: Combating Sexual Harassment At Work. Conditions Of Work Digest 1/1992, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221082576
- International Radiation Protection Association International Non-ionis: of Workers from Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields: A Practical Guide (Occupational Safety and Health Series, Band 69), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221082613
- .. Ilo: Preventing Stress At Work. Conditions Of Work Digest 2/1992, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221082651
- KUBR, MILAN.: How to select and use consultants. A client`s guide., EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221085171
- Ilo: Employment And Labour Market Interventions (artep), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221085515
- Andersson, C. A. Miles, D. Neale, R. Ward, J.: Pricing and Bidding (Improve Your Construction Business Series, 1), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221087380
- Aid in Place of Migration, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221087496
- Martens, Margaret Hosmer: Women in Trade Unions: Organizing the Unorganized, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221087595
- Milan Kubr: Management Consulting: A Guide to the Profession, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221094494, hat die Duplikate 9789221011651 und 9788185040448
- Hoeven, Rolph Van Der (Editor)/ Van Der Hoeven, Rolph (Editor)/ Sziraczki, Gyorgy (Editor)/ International Labour Office Interdepartmental Project on Structural ad (Corporate Author)/ International Labour Office Employment Dept (Corporate Author): Lessons from Privatization: Issues in Developing and Transitional Countries, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221094524
- Ilo: Freedom of Association, Digest of Decisions and Principles of the Freedom of Association Committee of the Governing Body of the, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221094562
- Olney, Shauna L.: Unions in a Changing World: Problems and Prospects in Selected Industrialized Countries, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221095040
- International Labour Office: Work Organisation and Ergonomics, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221095187
- Milan Kubr, a cura di: Milan Kubr, Autore aziendale: International Labour Office: Management Consulting: Guide to the Profession (Editor)/ Mil, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221095194
- International Labour Office: The Sex Sector: The Economic and Social Bases of Prostitution in Southeast Asia, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221095224
- Anker, Richard: Gender and Jobs: Sex Segregation of Occupations in the World, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221095248
- Lena Karlsson: How To Start A Small Business: A Manual For Community Workers Assisting Persons With Disabilities, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221096092
- Blyton, Paul: Development of Annual Working Hours in the United Kingdom, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221099567
- Frey, L.; Livraghi, R.: Jobs and Effects of Migrant Workers in Italy, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221100553
- Costa, Giovanni: Occupational Stress and Stress Prevention in Air Traffic Control, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221100706
- Cooper, Cary L.; Sutherland, Valerie J.: Stress Prevention in the Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Industry, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221100935
- International Labour Office: Child Targeting the Intolerable Conference), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221103288, hat das Duplikat 9789221098942
- International Labour Office: World Report: Industrial Relations, Democracy, and Social Stability 1997-98, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221103318
- Cox, Tom; Griffiths, Amanda; Cox, Sue: Work-related Stress in Nursing, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221103653
- ILO-Saat: Entrepreneurship Development for Women: A Manual for Trainers (Paperback), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221104162
- t. Anant, K. Sundaram: Employment And Labour In South Asia, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221105633
- Robert Heron;Heron, Robert: Trainer Training for Labour Administrations. A Practical Guide (illustrated edition), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221107040
- Ilo: Social Security Principles (social Security Vol. I), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221107347
- International Labour Office, Ilo: Administration Of Social Security (social Security Vol. Ii), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221107354, hat die Duplikate 9781245098571, 9781015127319, 9781355735113, 9781293058145, 9781245145817 und 9781340914400
- International Labour Office, Ilo: Social Security Financing (social Security Vol. Iii), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221107361
- International Labour Office, Ilo: Pension Schemes (social Security Vol. Iv), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221107378
- International Labour Office; Ilo: Social Health Insurance (Social Security Vol. V), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221107385
- David Tajgman & Jan De Veen: Employment-Intensive Infrastructure Programmes: Labour Policies and Practices, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221110347
- Bentall, Peter; Beusch, Andreas; Veen, Jan De: Employment-Intensive Infrastructure Programmes : Capacity Building for Contracting in the Construction Sector, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221115816
- International Labour Office: Safety in the Use of Vitreous Fibre Insulation Wools: Glass Wool, Rock Wool, and Slag Wool (ILO Code of Practice), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221116295
- International Labour Office: World Employment Report 2001: Decent Work and Information and Communications Technologies: Decent Work in the Information Society, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221116301
- International Labour Office: Managing Disability in the Workplace: An ILO Code of Practice, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221116394, hat die Duplikate 9789221116288, 9789221094555 und 9789221080060
- Scherman, Karl Gustaf: Swedish Pension Reform, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221117766
- International Labour Office: Employing Youth, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221119241
- Anderson, Gavin: Hidden MSE Service Sector, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221121701
- Keune, Maarten; Toth, Andrs: Case Study of Area Responses to Globalization, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221123828
- Arbix, Glauco; Zilbovicius, Mauro: Local Adjustment to Globalization, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221123965
- No author.: A Future without Child Labour: Ilo Global Report under the Follow-up to the Declarationon Fundamental Principles and Rights at Wor, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221124160
- International Labour Office: Recording and Notification of Occupational Accidents and Diseases and ILO List of Occupational Diseases, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221124252, hat die Duplikate 9789221094517 und 9789221094500
- Marcucci, Pamela Nichols: Jobs, Gender and Small Enterprises in Africa and Asia, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221126478
- International Labour Office: Standards, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221126683
- von Richthoven, Wolfgang: Labour Inspection: A Guide to the Profession, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221127109
- Dror, David M.; Preker, Alexander S.: Social RE-Insurance, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221127116
- Autore aziendale: International Labour Office Employment Strategy Dept, a cura di: Peter Auer, a cura di: Sandrine Cazes: stability in an age of flexibility : evidence from industrialized countries. Officel. General ed. and, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221127161
- Ghose, Ajit K.;Ghose, Ajit Kumar: Jobs and Incomes in a Globalizing World Format: Paperback, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221127178, hat das Duplikat 9788185040455
- Rogovsky, Nikolai; Sims, Emily: Corporate Success Through People Marketing International Labour Standards Work for You, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221127185
- Bezhani, Mimoza: Women Entrepreneurs in Albania, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221127581
- Werner, Heinz: From the German "Guestworker" Programmes of the Sixties to the Current "Green Card" Initiative for IT Specialists, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221128441
- International Labour Office: Protection of Wages, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221128748
- Chacaltana, Juan: Public Policy and Employment in Micro and Small Enterprises in Peru, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221129325
- Sous la direction de: Elaine Fultz: Pension Reform in Central and Eastern Europe, Volume 2: Restructuring of Public Pension Schemes. Case Study of the Czech Republic and Slovenia (Paperback), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221129813, hat das Duplikat 9789221129806
- Gershuny, Jonathan; Harvey, Andrew S.; Fisher, Kimberly: Statistics on Working Time Arrangements based on Time-use Survey Data, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221131205
- Landesmann, Michael; Stehrer, Robert; Leitner, Sandra: Trade Liberalization and Labour Markets, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221132103
- Ferge, Zsuzsa; Tausz, Katalin; Darvas, gnes: Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221132141
- Herausgeber: Philippe Egger, Herausgeber: Werner Sengenberger, Künstler: Peter L. Auer: Decent Work in Denmark: Employment, Social Efficiency, and Economic Security (International Labour Office)., EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221132974
- Herausgeber: International Labour Office / Mitwirkender: Shahandeh, Behrouz: Alcohol and Drug Related Problems at Work: The Shift to Prevention Format: Paperback, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221133735
- Rogers, Kimberly Ann Chappell, Duncan Chappell, Duncan: Preventing and Responding to Violence at Work Format: Paperback, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221133742
- International Labor Office: Fundamental Rights at Work and Labour Standards, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221133759
- Pyke, Frank; Nesporova, Alena; Ghellab, Youcef: Employment Strategy for the Lodz Region of Poland, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221134152
- Redfern, Andy; Snedker, Paul: Creating Market Opportunities for Small Enterprises, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221134534
- International Labour Office: Women Entrepreneurs in Ethiopia, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221134787
- International Labor Office, P. Belcher, H. Sampson, M. Thomas, J. Veiga, M. Zhao: Women Seafarers: Global Employment Policies and Practices /, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221134916
- Philippe Garnier: Social Funds: Lessons For A New Future, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221135111
- Bekko, Gregg J.; Muchai, George M.: Protecting Workers in Micro and Small Enterprises, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221135272
- Mollentz, Jennifer: Creating a Conducive Policy Envirnoment for Employment Creation in SMMEs in South Africa, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221135661
- Barrett, Jane: Organizing in the Informal Economy, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221135791
- van Heerdan, Auren; Berhouet, Maria Prieto; Caspari, Catherine: Rags or Riches?, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221135852
- Fassa, Anaclaudia Gastal: Health Benefits of Eliminating Child Labour, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221136255
- Nabeel A. Goheer: Women Entrepreneurs In Pakistan. How To Improve Their Bargaining Power, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221136286
- International Labour Office: Case Study on the Insurance Scheme of the Public Health Concern Trust (PHECT) Nepal, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221136606
- International Labour Office: Future of Employment in the Tobacco Sector, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221136729, hat das Duplikat 9789221024620
- .. Ilo: Helping Small Businesses Prevent Substance Abuse, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221138716
- Bruce E Kaufman Manfred Weiss Tadashi Hanami Thomas A Kochan: The Global Evolution of Industrial Relations: Ideas, People, and the Iira: Ideas, People and the International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221141532
- Deelen, Linda; Dupleich, Mauricio; Othieno, Louis: Leasing for Small and Micro Enterprises, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221141860
- Navas-Alemn, Lizbeth; Bazan, Luiza: Local Implementation of Quality, Labour and Environmental Standards, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221142072
- Abe, Masahiro; Hamamoto, Chizuka; Tanaka, Shigeto: Reconciling Work and Family, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221142652
- Kim, Tae-Hong; Kim, Hye-Kyung: Reconciling Work and Family, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221142676
- Sievers, Merten; Haftendorn, Klaus; Bessler, Astrid: Business Centres for Small Enterprise Development, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221143048
- International Labour Office: World Employment Report: Employment, Productivity and Poverty Reduction [With CDROM], EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221148135
- Intl Labor Office: Minimum Income Schemes in Europe, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221148395
- Heron, Robert and Murray, Barbara: Placement of Job-seekers with Disabilities. Elements of an Effective Service - Asian Pacific Edition (Paperback), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221151142
- Heron, Robert and Murray, Barbara: Assisting Disabled Persons in Finding Employment. A Practical Guide - Asian Pacific Edition (Paperback), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221151166
- Cichon, Michael, Scholz, Wolfgang, van de Meerendonk, Arthur, Hagemejer, Krzysztof, Bertranou, Fabio, Plamondon, Pierre: Financing Social Protection, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221151227
- Flores, Carolina: Creating a Conducive Policy Environment for Employment Creation in MSEs in Chile, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221152347
- International Labour Organization: Healthy Beginning Guidance On Safe Maternity At Work, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221152385
- Rubery, Jill: Pay Equity, Minimum Wage and Equality at Work, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221152705
- Herausgeber: International Labour Office: Safety And Health In Ports: ILO Code Of Practice (ILO Code of Practice) Format: Paperback, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221152873
- International Labour Office: Workplace Violence in Services Sectors and Measures to Combat This Phenomenon, ILO Code of Practice, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221152880
- Saleem, Ahmad: Rapid Assessment of Bonded Labour in Pakistan´s Mining Sector, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221153139
- Hein, Catherine: Reconciling Work And Family Responsibilites: Practical Ideas From Global Experience Format: Paperback, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221153528, hat das Duplikat 9788189640156
- International Labour Office: Hours of Work, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221153641, hat das Duplikat 9789221115250
- Nasir, Zafar Mueen: Rapid Assessment of Bonded Labour in the Carpet Industry of Pakistan, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221154037
- World Commission on the Social Dimension: A Fair Globalization: Creating Opportunities for All, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221154266, hat das Duplikat 9788171884964
- Rogovsky, Nikolai, Ozoux, Patrick, Esser, Daniel, Marpe, Tory, Broughton, Andrea: Restructuring for Corporate Success: A Socially Sensitive Approach, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221154303
- International Labour Office: Reducing the Decent Work Deficit in the Infrastructure and Construction Sectors, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221154563
- International Labour Office: Rapid Assessment of Bonded in Hazardous Industries in Pakistan, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221154808
- International Labour Office: Future of Work and Quality in the Information Society, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221155546
- Sievers, Merten; Vandenberg, Paul: Synergies through Linkages, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221155607
- International Labour Office: Cities at Work, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221156321
- Seeley, Chris: Social Marketing for Better Job Quality in Micro and Small Enterprises in Ghana, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221156451
- International Labour Office: Work Improvement in Small Enterprises, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221157106
- Heide, Ingeborg / International Labour Office: Gender Roles and Sex Equality: European Solutions to Social Security Disputes, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221157717
- Sorj, Bila; Carusi, Danielle; Quintaes, Giovanni: Reconciling Work and Family, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221158349
- Heymann, Jody: How are Workers with Family Responsibilities Faring in the Workplace?, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221158394
- International Labour Office: Socio-economic Impact of HIV/AIDS in Ukraine, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221158479
- Rai, Pallavi; Beckmann, Sabine: HIV/AIDS Work and Development in the United Republic of Tanzania, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221158493, hat das Duplikat 9789221158455
- Scheil-Adlung, Xenia: Sharpening the Focus on the Poor, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221158776
- Majid, Nomaan: Reaching Millennium Goals, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221161493
- Marshall, Adriana: Labour Market Policies and Regulations in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221161783
- Mamic, Ivanka: Implementing Codes of Conduct: How Businesses Manage Social Performance in Global Supply Chains [Hardcover], EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221162704, hat die Duplikate 9781351280716, 9781351280709 und 9781874719892
- Fultz, Elaine; Tracy, Martin: Good Practices in Social Services Delivery in South Eastern Europe, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221163855
- Morton, Peter: Job Quality in Micro and Small Enterprises in Ghana, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221164685
- Auer, Peter; Berg, Janine; Coulibaly, Ibrahim: Is a Stable Workforce Good for the Economy?, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221164708
- Finnegan, Gerry; Richardson, Pat; Howarth, Rhona: Challenges of Growing Small Businesses, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221165217
- Sous la direction de: International Labour Office: Yearbook of Statistics 2004, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221165460, hat das Duplikat 9789220165478
- Cardoso, Adalberto: Industrial Relations, Social Dialogue and Employment in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221165507
- Vandenberg, Paul: Productivity, Decent Employment and Poverty, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221165958
- International Labour Office: Role of the ILO in Technical Cooperation, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221166146
- Venturini, Alessandra; Villosio, Claudia: Labour Market Effects of Immigration, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221166597
- Kapsos, Steven: Estimating Growth Requirements for Reducing Working Poverty, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221166733
- Posthuma, Anne Caroline: Industrial Renewal and Inter-firm Relations in the Supply Chain of the Brazilian Automotive Industry, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221166993
- International Labour Office: Migration Policy and Management, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221167013
- Tarantino, Gustavo Crespi: Imputation, Estimation and Prediction using the Key Indicators of the Labour Market (KILM) Data Set, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221167068
- International Labour Office: Managing Transitions, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221167570
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- Rai, Pallavi; Beckmann, Sabine: Swaziland - HIV/AIDS, Work and Development, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221171584, hat das Duplikat 9789221158455
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- Oun, Ida, Pardo Trujillo, Gloria: Maternity at Work: A Review of National Legislation: Findings from the Ilo's Conditions of Work And Employment Database, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221175018
- International Labour Office: Making Decent Work an Asian goal, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221175247
- International Labour Office: Safety and Health in the Iron and Steel Industry (An Ilo Code of Practice), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221175353, hat die Duplikate 9789220119563, 9789221034711, 9789221115243, 9789221119555 und 9789221071037
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- International Labour Office: Destination Thailand, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221180623
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- Hansen, Ellen: Ilo Career Guidanceresource Handb, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221183761
- International Labour Office: IPEC Action Against Child 2004-2005, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221183815, hat das Duplikat 9789221169833
- Ndiaye, Professeur Alfred Inis: Étude sur le temps de travail et l´organisation du travail au Sénégal, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221184218
- International Labour Office, Redactor: Craig Churchill, Redactor: Cheryl Frankiewicz: Making Microfinance Work: Managing for Improved Performance Format: Paperback, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221186571
- Saget, Catherine: Wage Fixing in the Informal Economy, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221188308
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- International Labor Office: Labour Migration, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221191209
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- McCann, Deirdre, International Labour Office, Lee, Sangheon: Working Time Around the World: Trends in Working Hours, Laws and Policies in a Global Comparative Perspective (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221193111, hat die Duplikate 9781138997561, 9780203945216, 9780415439374 und 9781134070381
- Herausgeber: International Labour Office: Gender Equality Around the World: Articles from World of Work Magazine, 1999-2006 Format: Paperback, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221193173
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- International Labour Office, Redactor: Franðois Eyraud, Redactor: Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead: The Evolving World of Work in the Enlarged EU: Progress and Vulnerability Format: Paperback, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221195474
- Marion Jansen, International Labour Office, World Trade Organization, Eddy Lee: and employment: challenges for policy research: Challenges for Policy Research, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221195511
- International Labour Office: ABC of Women Workers' Rights and Gender Equality, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221196228, hat das Duplikat 9789221108443
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- International Labour Office: Disability and Poverty Reduction Strategies, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221199076
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- International Labour Office, Arthur O'Reilly: The Right to Decent Work of Persons with Disabilities Format: Paperback, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221201441
- Herausgeber: International Labor Organization: Safety and Health in Underground Coalmines: An ILO Code of Practice (Ilo Code of Practice S.), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221201625
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- International Labour Office, Robert Kyloh: From Conflict to Cooperation: Market Reforms that Can Work in Nepal [Paperback], EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221201663, hat das Duplikat 9788171886876
- Ghose, Ajit K.; Majid, Nomaan and Ernst, Christoph: The Global Employment Challenge (Paperback), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221203056
- International Labour Office: Safe Maternity and the World of Work, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221204039, hat die Duplikate 9789221166238 und 9789221116332
- International Labour Office, Benjamin O. Alli: Fundamental Principles of Occupational Health and Safety Format: Paperback, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221204541, hat das Duplikat 9789221108696
- Peter Auer, International Labour Office, èmit Efendioglu: Active Market Policies Around the World: Coping with the Consequences of Globalization (Paperback), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221204565, hat die Duplikate 9789221157892 und 9788171887019
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- Rosas, Gianni: Guide for the Preparation of National Action Plans for Youth Employment, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221206163
- International Labor Office International Labor Office: The Cost of Coercion 2009: Global Report Under the Follow-up to the Ilo Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (Paperback), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221206286, hat das Duplikat 9789221119487
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- International Labour Office: Consolidated Good Practices in Education and Child, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221207344
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- Herausgeber: International Labor Office: Sources and Methods: Labour Statistics; Employment in the Tourism Industries, Special Edition, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221212577
- Andrees, Beate: Forced Labour and Human Trafficking, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221213215
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- Verma, Vijay: Sampling for Household-Based Surveys of Child Labour, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221215035
- International Labor Office: Eighteenth Conference of Labour Statisticians 2008, Report 2, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221216216, hat das Duplikat 9789221216193
- Künstler: International Labour Organisation (ILO): Child Statistics, Report III. 18th Conference of Statisticians (Icls/18/2008). Geneva, 24 November-5 December 2008, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221216230
- International Labour Organization: Combating Forced A Handbook for Employers & Business (Work in Freedom), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221217121
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- Autre contribuant: International Labour Office (ILO): Accelereating the Elimination of Child Global Report Under the Followp to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, . Conference, 99th Session, 2010, Report 1 (B), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221218739
- Rodgers, Gerry, Lee, Eddy, Swepston, Lee: The International Labour Organization and the Quest for Social Justice, 1919-2009, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221219552
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- International Labor Organization: Forced Labour and Human Trafficking: Casebook of Court Decisions: A Training Manual for Judges, Prosecutors and Legal Practitioner, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221221777
- Autore aziendale: Bureau of Workers Activities of the ILO: Trade Union Strategies towards Global Production Systems: Journal Labour Research Issue 1, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221223092
- International Labor Office: Indigenous and Tribal Peoples' Rights in Practice, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221223788
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- Autore aziendale: International Labour Organization: Global Wage Report 2010/11: Wage Policies in Times of Crisis Format: Paperback, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221236214, hat das Duplikat 9788171888559
- Herausgeber: International Labor Office: Working Conditions Laws Report 2010: A Global Review (Paperback), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221236252
- Autore aziendale: International Labour Organization: ILO List of Occupational Diseases, Revised 2010: Occupational Safety and Health Series, No. 74, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221237952
- International Labor Office: Global Employment Trends for Youth: Special Issue on the Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on Youth, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221238553
- Sous la direction de: Iyanatul Islam, Sous la direction de: Sher Verick: From the Great Recession to Labour Market Recovery: Issues, Evidence and Policy Options (The International Labour Organization), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221240310, hat die Duplikate 9780230295186, 9781349328864, 9780230312548 und 9780230283589
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- Herausgeber: International Labour Office: Financial Crises, Deflation, and Trade Union Responses: What Are the Lessons? Journal of Research, Vol. 2, No. 1, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221243342
- International Labor Office, Collaboratore: Anabella Rosemberg, Presentazione: Dan Cunniah: Climate Change and Labour: The Need for a "Just Transition": Journal for Labour Research, Vol. 2, No. 2 Journal of Labour Research), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221243366
- ILO: Guidelines on HIV and AIDS for the Postal Sector, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221247098
- International Labour Office, Sous la direction de: Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead: Work Inequalities in the Crisis: Evidence from Europe Format: Paperback, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221248859
- International Labor Office: Children in Hazardous Work: What We Know, What We Need to Do, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221249184
- International Labour Office: Growth, Employment and Decent Work in the Least Developed Countries, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221249405, hat die Duplikate 9789221153696, 9789221153719, 9789221185093, 9789221122579, 9789221185079, 9789221064749, 9789221125877 und 9789221181361
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- Strietska-Ilina, Olga/ Hofmann, Christine/ Duran Haro, Mercedes/ Jeon, Shinyoung: Skills for Green Jobs: A Global View: Synthesis Report Based on 21 Country Studies, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221250913
- International Labor Office: Domestic Workers Across the World: Global and Regional Statistics and the Extent of Legal Protection, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221252733
- Domestic workers across the world, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221252740
- International Labor Office: Effective Protection for Domestic Workers, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221252757
- Marion (EDT)/ Peters, Ralf (EDT)/ Salazar- Jansen: Trade & Employment, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221253204
- Bachelet, Michelle: Social Protection Floor for a Fair and Inclusive Globalization: Report of the Advisory Group, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221253372
- International Labor Office: Guidelines for Port State Control Officers Carrying Out Inspections Under the Work in Fishing Convention 2007 (No. 188), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221253570
- Employment Policy Department: China: From an active to an active law, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221254423
- International Labour Office: Gender equality and decent work, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221255345
- International Labor Office: Stress Prevention at Work Checkpoints: Practical Improvements for Stress Prevention in the Workplace, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221256373
- Sukthankar, Ashwini; Gopalakrishnan, Ramapriya: Freedom of Association in EPZs, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221256755
- International Labor Office: Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 (Isco?08), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221259527
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- International Labor Office: World Report on Child Labour 2012, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221262343
- International Labor Office: Global Wage Report 2012-13, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221262367
- Williams, Michelle: Labour in the Global South: Challenges and Alternatives for Workers, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221262381, hat die Duplikate 9781552505991, 9781928331483 und 9781928331612
- ILO: Understanding the Indigenous and Tribal People Convention, 1989 (No. 169), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221262428
- ILO: Regulating the employment relationship in Europe, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221263159
- International Labor Office: Working towards Sustainable Development: Opportunities for Decent Work and Social Inclusion in a Green Economy, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221263784
- International Labour Office: ILO Global Estimate of Forced, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221264125
- International Labour Office: Guide for the formulation of national employment policies, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221264231
- International Labour Office: Public Sector Shock: The Impact of Policy Retrenchment in Europe, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221265689
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- International Labour Office: Sustainable Development, Decent Work and Green Jobs, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221268673
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- Martin Oelz/ Shauna Olney/ Manuela Tomei: Equal Pay: An Introductory Guide, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221269328
- ILO: Informal Economy and Decent Work, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221269625
- Johnston Birchall: Resilience in a Downturn: The Power of Financial Cooperatives, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221270300
- Haroff-Tavel, Hlne: Tricked and Trapped, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221274520
- International Labor Office: Global Employment Trends for Youth 2013: A Generation at Risk, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221274834, hat das Duplikat 9789221266556
- Marc (EDT)/ Stockhammer, Engelbert (EDT) Lavoie: Wage-Led Growth: An Equitable Strategy for Economic Recovery, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221274872, hat die Duplikate 9781137357946, 9781137357922, 9781349470921 und 9781137357939
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- International Labor Office: Journal of Labour Research: Are Green Jobs Decent?, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221275015
- ILO: Caught at sea, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221275664
- Amorim, Anita; Dale, Andrew: South-South Cooperation and Decent Work, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221277125
- Pickles, John; Rossi, Arianna; Luinstra, Amy: Towards Better Work: Understanding Labour in Apparel Global Value Chains, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221278023, hat die Duplikate 9781349477982, 9781137377548 und 9781137377555
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- Amorim, Anita; Martinot-Lagarde, Pierre: City-to-City and South-South and Triangular Cooperation, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221279938
- ILO: Women and Men in the Informal Economy, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221281696
- ILO: Promoting equity: Ethnic diversity in the workplace: A step-by-step guide, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221282532
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- ILO: Trade Union Manual on Export Processing Zones, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221286134
- International Labour Office, Sous la direction de: Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead: The European Social Model in Crisis: Is Europe Loosing its Soul?, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221286554
- Künstler: International Labour Organization (ILO): Global Wage Report: 2014/2015, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221286646, hat das Duplikat 9788171889969
- International Labor Office: Journal of Labour Research: The Challenge of Inequality, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221286677
- ILO: Promoting Cooperation for Safe Migration and Decent Work, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221286912
- Ajluni, Salem; Kawar, Mary: impact of the Syrian refugee crisis on the labour market in Jordan, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221287339
- Aring, Monika: Innovations in Quality Apprenticeships for High-skilled Manufacturing Jobs in the United States, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221287674
- International Institute of Labour Studies: Access to and Effects Social Protection on Workers Living with HIV and Their Households, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221287711
- ILO: Profits and Poverty, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221287810
- ILO: at Work: Development Results 2012-2013, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221288046
- Majurin, Eva: Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789221288060
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