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- R. / Ardizzone, G.D Ziesler: The Inland Waters of Latin America - Las Aguas Continentales de America Latina., EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250007809
- Dominique Soltner: Agroclimatological data for Africa =: Donnees agroclimatologiques pour l'Afrique (Collection FAO, production vegetale et protection des plantes), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250014135
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Fao Production Yearbook, 1991/Annuaire Fao De LA Production/Anuario Fao De Produccion, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250031941
- C. Miya: Marketing of Financial Services Focusing on Mutual Funds, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250033747
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: Street Foods, Technical Meeting Report, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250039596
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: Remote Sensing Water Resources, Proceedings International Workshop Held in Montpellier, France, from 30 November to 1 December 1995, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250040707
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: yearbook trade vol 50 1996 annuaire commerce vol 50 1996 anuario comercio vol 50 1996 Statistics Series), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250041179
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Yearbook Fishery Statistics 1998 Vol 87 Commodities Fao Statistics Series N 153 Trilingue Eng Fra: Fishery Statistics - Commodities (FAO Fisheries), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250044422
- Report of the Ad Hoc Technical Meeting on the Future of the Southwest Indian Oce 2nd Meeting Fisheries Reports, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250044811
- FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Production Yearbook 1999 Volume 53 Statistics Series N 156 Multilangual Ar Ch en Es Fr, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250045207
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: Yearbook, 2000: Vol. 54: Production, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250046662, hat das Duplikat 9789211008579
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: Yearbook, v,53,1999: Trade, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250047102
- FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Annuaire de la production 2001 - vol.55 statistiques n.170)-en/fr/es/sh/ch Statistics Series), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250048741
- Report of the Fao Working Group on the Assessment of Small Pelagic Fish Off Northwest Africa, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250052618
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Yearbook Forest Products 2003: Forest Products / Produits Forestiers / Productos Forestales (Yearbook Forest Products/Annuaire Des Produits Forestiers/Anuario De Productos Forestales), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250052984, hat das Duplikat 9789250049007
- Créateur: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Report Papers Presented at Seventh FAO Expert Consultation on Fish Technology in Africa/Rapport Et Documents Presentes a la Septieme Consultat (Fao Fisheries Report), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250053424
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: World Statistical Compendium for Raw Hides Skins, Leather Leather Footwear 1986-2004, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250053851
- Report of the Third Meeting on the Planning Group for the Coordination of Acoustic Surveys Off Northwest Africa, Dakar Senegal, 22-23 October 2004, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250054353, hat das Duplikat 9789250054346
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Fao Field Project Reports on Aquaculture19662004 Version 2 Double Cdrom Trilingual en Fr Es: 1966-2004 Vol 1&2, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250056180
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: Model Scheme on Port State Measures to Combat Illegal Unreported Unregulated Fishing =, Dispositif Type Relatif Aux Mesures Du Ressort De L'aetat Du Port Dans Le Contexte De La Lutte Contre La Paeche Illicite, Non Daeclaraee Et Non Raeglementaee = Mo, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250056722
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Planning Group for the Coordination of A: Report Fifth Meeting Acoustic Surveys off Northwest Africa: Dakar, Senegal, 29-30 October 2006 (FAO Fisheries Aquaculture Reports), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250057149
- Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission: Report of the fourth session of the Scientific Advisory Group [of the : Mârida, Mexico, 2-4 April 2007: . reports): Merida, Mexico 2-4 April 2007, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250058207
- Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Report Workshop on Age Estimation Sardine and Sardinella in Northwest Africa, Casablanca, Morocco, 4-9 December 2006, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250058689
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Code Conduct for Responsible Fisheries: Updated November 2007 (En/Fr/Sp), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250059044, hat das Duplikat 9789250050911
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the: Working Principles for Risk Analysis for Safety for Application by Governments/Principes de Travail Pour L'Analyse Des Aliments Destines a Etre A, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250059112
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: General Fisheries Commission for Mediterranean, Report Tenth Session Scientific Advisory Committee - Nicosia, Cyprus, 22-26 October 2007, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250059228
- Food and Agriculture Organization: Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic: Fisheries / Comite Des Peches Pour L atlantique Centre-est: Report of Fifth Session of Scientific Sub Casablanca, Morocco, 4-6 December 2007 / Rapport De La Cinquième Session Du Sous-comité S, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250060217
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Pulp Paper Capacities/ Capacites de la pate et du papier/capacidades de pasta y papel: Survey 2007-2012/enquete 2007-2012/estudio 2007-2012, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250060224, hat das Duplikat 9789250041308
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: Report Regional Workshop on 1995 FAO Code Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in Central Asian Region, A Call to Action Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 8-10 April 2008, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250060545
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Committee on Fisheries Sub-committee on Fish Trade Report: Fao Fisheries Aquaculture Report No. 872, Report 11th Session, Bremen, Germany, 2-6 June 2008, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250060934, hat das Duplikat 9789250051482
- Codex Alimentarius Commission, Food and Agriculture Organization, World Health Organization: CD-ROM 2008 - INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS - NORMES (FAO110378), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250061085
- General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean: Scientific Advisory Committee, Food and Agriculture Organization: Gfcm - Report 11th Session Marrakech, Morocco, 1-5 December 2008 (Fao Aquaculture Reports), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250062075
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: GUIDELINES FOR ACOUSTIC SURVEYS IN NORTHWEST AFRICAN REGION - DIRECTIVES POUR LES CAMPAGNES AC (, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250062334
- Autre contribuant: Food and Agriculture Organization (Fao): FAO Yearbook Forest Products / FOA Annuaire Des Produits Forestiers / FAO Anuario De Productos Forestales 2003- 2007, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250062358, hat das Duplikat 9789250056654
- Food and Agriculture Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Report Third Session South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission - Mahe, Seychelles, 17-20 December 2007: Fao Fisheries Aquaculture (FAO Fisheries Aquaculture Report), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250062488
- Land Reform 2009/1: Land Settlement and Cooperatives (Land Reform. Reforme Ag...: Land Reform 2009/1: Land Settlement Cooperatives (Land Reform. Réforme Agraire. Reforma Agraria), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250063003, hat das Duplikat 9789250061498
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization: Pulp Paper Capacities, Survey 2008-2013 / Capacitts De La Pgte Et Du Papier, Enquote 2008-2113 / Capacidades De Pasta Y Papel, Estudio 2008-2013, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250063157
- Food and Agriculture Organization (Fao) (Other Contributor): Fishery Aquaculture Statistics. Statistiques des Peches et de l'Aquaculture. Estadisticas de Pes (Yearbook Fishery Statistics/Annuaire Statistique Des Peches/Anuario Estadistico De Pesca), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250063607
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: CULTURED AQUATIC SPECIES FACT SHEETS - FICHES D INFORMATION SUR LES ESP+CES AQUATIQUES CULTIV+ES - (, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250064109
- General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean: (GFCM), Report of Seventh Session of Committee on Aquaculture, Rome, 8-10 March 2011, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250068411
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization: Regional Commission for Fisheries: Report Sixth Session Rome, 10-12 May 2011, FAO Aquaculture Reports No. 982, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250070162
- Food and Agriculture Organization (COR): West African Composition Table, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250072074
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: Committee on Fisheries Report Sixth Session Sub-Committee on Aquaculture, Cape Town, 26-30 March 2012, Report Sixth Session Sub-Committee on Aquaculture, Cape Town, 26-30 March 2012, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250072548, hat das Duplikat 9789250067162
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: Pulp Paper Capacities, Survey 2011-2016: Capacites de la Pate et du Papier - Enquete 2011-2016. Capacidades de Pasta Y Papel - Estudio 2011-2016, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250072890, hat das Duplikat 9789250065977
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: Report Regional Agro-Industries Forum for Middle East North Africa Beirut (Lebanon) - 15-18 November 2011, Beirut (Lebanon) 15-18 November 2011, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250073408
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: Report Papers Presented at Third Workshop on Fish Technology, Utilization Quality Assurance in Africa Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles, 22-25 November 2011, FAO Fisheries Aquaculture Report No 990, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250073828
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): Report Of The Fao/nepad Workshop On Cimate Change, Disasters Crises In The Fisheries Aquaculture Sector In Southern Ea, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250084169, hat das Duplikat 9789250075617
- Food and Agriculture Organization: Fao Yearbook: Forest Products 2009-2013, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250088112, hat die Duplikate 9789250068008, 9789250059730 und 9789250054858
- Food and Agriculture Organization: Report of the Ninth Session of the Regional Commission for Fisheries (RECOFI).: Kuwait City, State of Kuwait, 9-11 May 2017, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250099255
- Power Quality in Renewable Systems, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250911342
- Collins, Kole: Rites of Passage, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789250980232
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: Groundnuts, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251006191
- Collectif: Land Evaluation Criteria For Irrigation Rep, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251008263
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Aeration Grain in Subtropical Climates (FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin #52), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251012642
- United Nations, Autor corporativo: FAO Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes: World Programme: Report of the Fourteenth Session of the Un Programs, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251012932
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Fao Species Catalogue., Billfishes World : An Annotated Illustrated Catalogue Marlins,: Billfishes World: An Annotated . Known to Date v. 5 (Fisheries Synopsis), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251022320
- Fao, Seafdec Workshop on Shared Stocks in Southeast Asia: Report Bangkok, 18-22 February 1985 Fisheries Reports), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251023389
- B. C. Yalcin: Sheep and Goats in Turkey, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251024492
- Campbell, D. E.: Design and operation of irrigation systems for smallholder agriculture in south asia fao n 3 1: Investment Centre Technical Paper 3/1 (Investment Centre Technical Paper 3/1/F3041), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251024805
- Joint Fao/Who Expert Consultation Staff: Requirements of Vitamin A, Iron, Folate and Vitamin B12: Report of a (FAO food & nutrition series), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251026250
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations, A. G. Coche: Simple Methods for Aquaculture, Pond Construction for Freshwater Fish Culture - Building Earthen Ponds, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251026458
- Balick, Michael J.: Jessenia and Oenocarpus: Neotropical Oil Palms Worthy of Domestication (Fao Plant Production and Protection Paper), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251026762
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations, A. G. Coche: Pond Construction for Freshwater Fish Culture, Pond-farm Structures Layouts, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251028728, hat das Duplikat 9788170351573
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: FAO Species Catalogue, v. 13: Gadiform Fishes World (Order Gadiformes): An Annotated Illustrated Catalogue Cods, Hakes, Grenadiers Other Gadiform Fishes Know to Date, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251028902
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: Raising Ducks, v. 1: How to Begin, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251029398, hat das Duplikat 9789251006061
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: FAO Species Catalogue, FAO Fisheries Synopsis, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251030318
- Eccles, D.H.: Field Guide to the Freshwater Fishes of Tanzania, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251031865
- Available, Not: The New World Screwworm Eradication Programme: North Africa, 1988-1992, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251032008
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations / Joint Fao Who Codex Alimentarius Commission / Fao: Vol.6, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251032213
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: Graft-transmissable Diseases Grapevines, Handbook for Detection Diagnosis, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251032459
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations / Joint Fao Who Codex Alimentarius Commission / Fao: Vol.8, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251032688
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Compendium consumption statistics from household surveys in developing countries volume 1 as: Asia v. 1 (Economic & Social Development Papers), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251033111
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Quarantine for seed: Proceedings Workshop on Quarantine for Seed in Near East, held at International Center for Agricultural Research . Syrian Arab Republic, 2 to 9 November 1991, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251033241
- The State of Food and Agriculture 1993/Book and Disk, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251033609
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Quail Production Systems: A Review, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251033845
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: Overview World Elasmobranch Fisheries, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251035665
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: Construction Maintenance Artisanal Fishing Harbours Village Landings, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251036099
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: Fats Oils in Human Nutrition, Report a Joint Expert Consultation, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251036211, hat die Duplikate 9789251033814 und 9789251031490
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations / Fao / World Health Organization: Codex Alimentarius, Vol.5a, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251036297
- John J. W. Coppen, P. Greenhalgh: Gum Naval Stores, Turpentine and Rosin from Pine Resin, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251036846
- Fao, Food and Agriculture Organization of the, Herausgeber: Fao: Residues Some Veterinary Drugs in Animal Foods: Azaperone, Carazolol, Dexamethasone, Dihydrostreptomycin Streptomycin, Enrofloxacin, Genta: Monographs Nutrition Paper), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251036976
- Food: The State of and Agriculture: The Agroprocessing Industry and Economic Development, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251040058
- Lloyd-Laney, Megan (Editor)/ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Corporate Author)/ Sweden Styrelsen for Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete (Corporate Author)/ Farmesa (Corporate Author): Making Each & Every Farmer Count. Participation in Agricultural Projects: Participation in Agricultural Engineering Projects, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251040690
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Multiple Frame Agricultural Surveys Vol 2 Agricultural Survey Programmes Basedon Aera Frame Or Dual: Agricultural Survey Programmes Based on Area . v. 2 Statistical Development Series), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251040744
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Sous la direction de: Kate Hathaway, Sous la direction de: Dale E. Hathaway: Searching for Common Ground: European Union Enlargement Agricultural Policy (Agricultural Policy & Economic Development), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251040829
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: Prevention Reduction Feed Contaminants, Codex Alimentarius: Joint FAO/WHO Standards, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251071199
- Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: Designing Implementing Livestock Value Chain Studies, A Practical Aid for Highly Pathogenic Emerging Disease (HPED) Control, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251071397
- Food and Agriculture Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: A Guide to Background Implementation 2009 FAO Agreement on Port State Measures: To Prevent, Deter Eliminate Illegal, Unreported Unregulated Fishing, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251071465, hat die Duplikate 9789251047569 und 9789251053744
- The Second Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251071786
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the: Report Regional Policy Planning Workshop on Fao Code Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (Ccrf) in Caribbean: Achieving Improved F, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251071908
- Food And Agriculture Organization (Fao), Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: Crop Residue Based Densified Total Mixed Ration, a User-friendly Approach to Utilise Crop By-products for Ruminant Production, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251072325
- Food and Agriculture Organization (COR): Marine Protected Areas Country, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251075067
- Food & Agriculture Orgn: Soil, Your Silent Ally, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251075104
- FAO: Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the context of national food security, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251075579
- van Huis, Arnold; Van Itterbeeck, Joost; Klunder, Harmke: Edible Insects, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251075951
- John E. Ashburner, Food And Agriculture Organization (Fao): Mechanization for Rural Development, A Review of Patterns Progress from Around the World, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251076057
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): Eating Well for Good Health: Lessons on Nutrition Healthy Diets, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251076101
- Food & Agriculture Orgn: Fish Species Introductions in the Kyrgyz Republic, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251076200
- Food And Agriculture Organization, Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations: Save Grow, Cassava: A Guide to Sustainable Production Intensification, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251076415
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): Irrigation In Central Asia In Figures: Aquastat Survey-2012: Fao Water Reports No. 39, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251076606, hat das Duplikat 9789251072820
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): Agricultural Mechanization In Sub Saharan Africa: Guidelines For Preparing A Strategy: Integrated Crop Management 2013, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251077627
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): Fish Identification Tools For Biodiversity Fisheries Assessments Review Guidance For Decision-makers: Fao Fisheries Aq, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251077719
- Food and Agriculture Organization: Forest Management Conservation Experiences of Smallholder Farmers in the Eastern Region of Paraguay: Integrated Cr, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251078099
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): Fish Marketing Consumption Survey In The Kyrgyz Republic: Fao Fisheries Aquaculture Circular 1087, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251080177
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): Report Of The FAO/SEAFDEC Workshop On Principles Of Improved Fish Passage At Cross-River Obstacles, With Relevance To South-East A, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251080283
- Food And Agriculture Organization, Mulat Demeke: Policy Decisions, Trends, Emerging Issues Policy Alignments Since the 2007/08 Security Crisis, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251080313
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): Contract Farming for Inclusive Market Access, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251080610
- Food and Agriculture Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Using Spatial Information to Support Decisions on Safeguards Multiple Benefits for Redd+ in Tanzania (Paperback), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251080894
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): Inland Fisheries Evolution Management: Case Studies from Four Continents (FAO Fisheries Aquaculture Technical Paper, Band 579), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251081259
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): Value Chain Dynamics the Small-Scale Sector, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251081785, hat das Duplikat 9789251074350
- FAO: Coping with water scarcity. An action framework for agriculture and food security, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251081877
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): When The Law Is Not Enough: Paralegals Natural Resources Governance In Mozambique, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251082485
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): Soils Challenge Badge, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251084335
- Stylus Pub Llc: Capfitogen: Programme to Strengthen National Plant Genetic Resource Capacities in Latin America, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251084939
- FAO: The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251085011
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): Mitigation Of Wastage: Societal Costs Benefits, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251085103
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the: Wastage Footprint Full-Cost Accounting: Final Report, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251085127
- Small-scale Aquaponic Food Production, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251085325
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): FAO General Fisheries Commission For The Mediterranean Report Of The Thirty-Eighth Session, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy 19-24 Ma, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251085622, hat die Duplikate 9789251071335 und 9789251066164
- Food and Agriculture Organization (COR): Nutrition in Numbers, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251086179
- FAO: A New Deal for School Gardens, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251086254
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): Risk-based Disease Surveillance - A Manual For Veterinarians On The Design Analysis Of Surveillance For Demonstration Of Freed, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251086377
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): Report Of The Expert Meeting On The Review Of Fisheries Aquaculture Activities In The Euphrates- Tigris Basin Erbil, Iraq, 11-, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251086445
- Oscar Rojas, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Yanyun Li: Understanding Drought Impact El Nino Global Agricultural Areas: An Assessment Using Fao's Agricultural Stress Index (Asi) (Environment Natural Resources Management Series), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251086711
- FAO: The 2015 State of Food Insecurity in the World, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251087992, hat die Duplikate 9789251079584, 9789251085448 und 9789251049860
- Food and Agriculture Organization: Fao Statistical Pocketbook: 2015, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251088029, hat das Duplikat 9789251070833
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): 70 Years Of Fao (1945-2015), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251088975
- FAO: Fishing operations. 3. Best practices to improve safety at sea in the fisheries sector, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251091067
- FAO: World Program of the Census of Agriculture 2020, Volume I: Programme, concepts and definitions, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251091258
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Pulses: Nutritious Seeds for a Sustainable Future, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251092538, hat das Duplikat 9789251091722
- FAO: The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2016 (SOFIA): Contributing to food security and nutrition for all, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251093085
- Food & Agriculture Orgn: World Day 2016: Activity Book: Climate Is Changing. and Must Too, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251093221
- FAO: State of the World´s Forests 2016 (SOFO): Forests and agriculture: land use challenges and opportunities, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9789251093351
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