Lighthouses 2022 Calendar Towel - ein Angebot gefunden

Bester Preis: 11,78 (vom 11.07.2021)
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7238864428 - Lighthouses 2022 Calendar Towel

Lighthouses 2022 Calendar Towel

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN NW

ISBN: 7238864428 bzw. 9787238864420, in Englisch, Kay Dee Designs, neu.

11,78 ($ 13,99)¹ + Versand: 11,77 ($ 13,98)¹ = 23,55 ($ 27,97)¹
Featuring renditions of lighthouses from all over coastal USA, this calendar towel will have you smelling the salt air & hearing the roar of the ocean every time you look upon this functional piece of art. A lighthouse is a beacon that will always lead you home! Throughout the years, calendar towels have become cherished & reusable collectibles, and have been rated one of the top gift ideas of the century! Affectionately referred to as ''''forever calendars'''', use once as a beautiful wall-hanging calendar, and then forever as a kitchen towel! If you are crafty, there are many projects that allow you to reuse this textile art - sew it into a pillow, frame it, make curtains - your creativity creates the possibilities! Calendar towels make thoughtful gifts, and include dowels, coupling, cord, and a mailable gift box so you can send to a friend. **Popular calendar titleCalendar towels make thoughtful giftsIncludes dowels, coupling, and cordComes in a mailable gift box100% Cotton Linen-Look TextureMeasures 17 x 27.5 inFeatures all 12 monthsHang in your kitchen as dcorUse once as a beautiful wall-hanging calendar, and then forever as a kitchen towel.
Kategorie: CAL - CY > Kitchen Towel
Daten vom 11.07.2021 00:30h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 7-238-86442-8, 978-7-238-86442-0
Zuerst gefunden: 11.07.2021 00:30:12
Zuletzt gefunden: 11.07.2021 23:16:21
Kleinster Preis: 11,78 (vom 11.07.2021 00:30:12)
Höchster Preis: 11,80 (vom 11.07.2021 23:16:21)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 2

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Lighthouses 2022 Calendar TowelLighthouses 2022 Calendar Towel
ISBN: 9787238864420

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