Corel Painter IX.5 - ein Angebot gefunden
Bester Preis: € 184,53 (vom 29.10.2013)Aus dem Archiv:
Corel Painter IX.5
ISBN: 7351631018 bzw. 9787351631015, Sprache unbekannt, neu.
Lieferung aus: Schweiz, zzgl. Versandkosten, Versandfertig innert 6 - 9 Tagen.
Corel Painter IX—the world's most powerful Natural-Media painting and illustration software—features unique digital brushes, art materials and textures that mirror the look and feel of their traditional counterparts. The newest version of Corel Painter takes digital design to unprecedented levels with the revolutionary Artists' Oils Painting System, Snap-to-Path Painting, Quick Clone for photographers, and brushes that perform up to 10 times faster than in previous versions. Corel Painter enables some of the world's most accomplished creative professionals - including commercial designers, artists and photographers - to extend their natural talents and techniques to create original works of breathtaking digital art. Corel Painter IX adds a range of tools and features that increase performance, fuel creativity and further extend compatibility with other industry-standard tools and applications. With improved Help features, tutorials by world-class digital artists and free access to selected training videos, getting started with Corel Painter IX is easier than ever.
Corel Painter IX—the world's most powerful Natural-Media painting and illustration software—features unique digital brushes, art materials and textures that mirror the look and feel of their traditional counterparts. The newest version of Corel Painter takes digital design to unprecedented levels with the revolutionary Artists' Oils Painting System, Snap-to-Path Painting, Quick Clone for photographers, and brushes that perform up to 10 times faster than in previous versions. Corel Painter enables some of the world's most accomplished creative professionals - including commercial designers, artists and photographers - to extend their natural talents and techniques to create original works of breathtaking digital art. Corel Painter IX adds a range of tools and features that increase performance, fuel creativity and further extend compatibility with other industry-standard tools and applications. With improved Help features, tutorials by world-class digital artists and free access to selected training videos, getting started with Corel Painter IX is easier than ever.
Kategorie: Software
Daten vom 29.10.2013 13:00h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 7-351-63101-8, 978-7-351-63101-5
Daten vom 29.10.2013 13:00h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 7-351-63101-8, 978-7-351-63101-5
Zuerst gefunden: 29.10.2013 13:01:38
Zuletzt gefunden: 21.12.2019 20:55:00
Kleinster Preis: € 184,53 (vom 29.10.2013 13:01:38)
Höchster Preis: € 184,53 (vom 29.10.2013 13:01:38)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 1
Zuletzt gefunden: 21.12.2019 20:55:00
Kleinster Preis: € 184,53 (vom 29.10.2013 13:01:38)
Höchster Preis: € 184,53 (vom 29.10.2013 13:01:38)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 1
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ISBN: 9787351631015
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