Chronic Condition : Why Health Reform Fails - 5 Angebote vergleichen

Bester Preis: 3,39 (vom 29.11.2016)
9780674128934 - Sherry Glied: Chronic Condition: Why Health Reform Fails
Sherry Glied

Chronic Condition: Why Health Reform Fails (1998)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN HC US FE

ISBN: 9780674128934 bzw. 0674128931, in Englisch, 288 Seiten, Harvard University Press, gebundenes Buch, gebraucht, Erstausgabe.

4,71 ($ 4,99)¹ + Versand: 3,77 ($ 3,99)¹ = 8,48 ($ 8,98)¹
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Usually ships in 1-2 business days.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Better World Books: North.
Chronic Condition provides a compelling analysis of the causes of the current health care crisis and of the shortcomings of reform proposals. It also offers an ingenious new framework for reform that, while minimizing government interference, would provide a means for financing care for the less affluent. Sherry Glied shows that rising health care spending is consistent with a rising standard of living. Since we can, as a nation, afford more health care, reform must address not the overall level of health care costs but the distribution of health care spending. Prior reform proposals, Glied argues, have failed to account for the tension between the clearly manifested desire for improving the quality of health care and the equally widespread interest in assuring that the less fortunate share in these improvements. After careful analysis of the ill-fated Clinton plan, Glied proposes a new solution that would make the willingness to pay for innovation the means of financing health care improvements for the less affluent. While rejecting the idea that the distribution of health care should be perfectly equal, Glied's proposal would enable all Americans to benefit from the dynamics of the free market. , Hardcover, Ausgabe: 1, Label: Harvard University Press, Harvard University Press, Produktgruppe: Book, Publiziert: 1998-03-01, Studio: Harvard University Press, Verkaufsrang: 2530309.
0674128931 - Sherry Glied: Chronic Condition: Why Health Reform Fails
Sherry Glied

Chronic Condition: Why Health Reform Fails

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN US

ISBN: 0674128931 bzw. 9780674128934, in Englisch, Harvard University Press, gebraucht.

3,39 ($ 3,59)¹
versandkostenfrei, unverbindlich
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Lagernd.
administration and medicine economics,administration and policy,allied health professions,allied health services,health care delivery,health policy,medical books,medicine and health sciences,politics and government,politics and social sciences, Chronic Condition provides a compelling analysis of the causes of the current health care crisis and of the shortcomings of reform proposals. It also offers an ingenious new framework for reform that, while minimizing government interference, would provide a means for financing care for the less affluent. Sherry Glied shows that rising health care spending is consistent with a rising standard of living. Since we can, as a nation, afford more health care, reform must address not the overall level of health care costs but the distribution of health care spending. Prior reform proposals, Glied argues, have failed to account for the tension between the clearly manifested desire for improving the quality of health care and the equally widespread interest in assuring that the less fortunate share in these improvements. After careful analysis of the ill-fated Clinton plan, Glied proposes a new solution that would make the willingness to pay for innovation the means of financing health care improvements for the less affluent. While rejecting the idea that the distribution of health care should be perfectly equal, Glied's proposal would enable all Americans to benefit from the dynamics of the free market.
9780674128934 - Glied, Sherry: Chronic Condition: Why Health Reform Fails
Glied, Sherry

Chronic Condition: Why Health Reform Fails

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN HC US

ISBN: 9780674128934 bzw. 0674128931, in Englisch, Harvard University Press, gebundenes Buch, gebraucht.

13,11 ($ 13,88)¹ + Versand: 3,73 ($ 3,95)¹ = 16,84 ($ 17,83)¹
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Versandkosten nach: USA.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, HawkingBooks.
Harvard University Press. Hardcover. 0674128931 Like New Condition. Five star seller - Ships Quickly - Buy with confidence! . Fine.
9780674128934 - Sherry Glied: Chronic Condition: Why Health Reform Fails
Sherry Glied

Chronic Condition: Why Health Reform Fails (1998)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN HC US

ISBN: 9780674128934 bzw. 0674128931, in Englisch, Harvard University Press, gebundenes Buch, gebraucht.

9,42 ($ 9,98)¹ + Versand: 3,77 ($ 3,99)¹ = 13,19 ($ 13,97)¹
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Versandkosten nach: USA.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Ergodebooks.
Die Beschreibung dieses Angebotes ist von geringer Qualität oder in einer Fremdsprache. Trotzdem anzeigen
9780674128934 - Glied, Sherry: Chronic Condition: Why Health Reform Fails
Glied, Sherry

Chronic Condition: Why Health Reform Fails

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN HC US

ISBN: 9780674128934 bzw. 0674128931, in Englisch, Harvard University Press, gebundenes Buch, gebraucht.

37,76 ($ 39,99)¹ + Versand: 4,71 ($ 4,99)¹ = 42,47 ($ 44,98)¹
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Versandkosten nach: USA.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Cloud 9 Books.
Harvard University Press. Hardcover. 0674128931 Like New Condition. . Fine.